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publish date : 2022/10/04

Food Services on Campus

  • Chinese food:Including Chinese buffet, Chinese style course dishes, variable choice for students and faculties. During the breakfast time, both Chinese and Western style breakfast are served.
  • Western food: Western style dishes are served in the western restaurant; feel free to enjoy the western style.
  •  food court:Both Chinese and Western style breakfast are served at the second floor (outside balcony), and many different restaurants serves both Chinese and Western meals inside the food court.
  •  FamilyMart:Convenience store is also here at your service, there are 24 hours supply no matter in food, drink, washing set and other necessities. Several seats are provided for short-term break in the convenience store.
  • FamilyMart  : Convenience store set in the College of Humanity operated since 2011 where pastry and café service are provided, and a best place for faculties and students during class breaks within beautiful surroundings and quite space.

Food Services off Campus

The food type in Puli is still traditional. You can find lots of traditional snakes in Puli.

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