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NCNU Presidents 1995 – present

Our President

publish date : 2022/10/04

Dong-sing Wuu

Dr. Dong-sing Wuu (武東星), former president of Da-Yeh University and distinguished professor with National Chung Hsing University’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, aspires to help “find solutions for the world through National Chi Nan University.”

NCNU President Wuu’s vision for university governance is guided by the four tenets of consolidation, localization, industrialization, and globalization.

Consolidation refers to the consolidation of resources, especially those pertaining to student recruitment in face of Taiwan’s plummeting birth rate. In accordance to Wuu, who has successfully boosted enrollment by 2,118 students over six years at a prior school, key administrative changes include the establishment of recruitment focus groups in all departments that meet on a regular basis for close collaboration, as well as scientific analysis of demographics and student behavior (motives for joining, switching programs, changing schools, dropping out, and other quantifiable patterns).

He is also proposing a multi-pronged approach towards resource procurement and new partnerships through already-established networks like NCNU’s Affiliated Senior High School, using more comprehensive intra-school integration to bring more benefits to students while boosting positive recognition of the NCNU brand among parents and teachers. He adds that alumni networks also help introduce more diverse funding and corporate sponsorships to the university’s graduate, in-service, and vocational programs.

Localization here, says Wuu, applies to how the university plans to better serve the local Puli community, from upgrading campus infrastructure to enticing alumni to return to the proverbial heart of Taiwan with their professional strengths and contacts. Moreover, renovating the university’s recreational and study spaces, cafeterias, and air conditioning systems will benefit students directly, while the construction of new dormitories will be conducive to international recruitment, he points out.

University social responsibility (USR), one of NCNU’s most unique and ambitious traits, is another approach to localization — namely the match-making of the university’s stellar research capabilities with central Taiwan’s educational, economic, and environmental sustainability needs. Locally devised solutions for local partners such as indigenous settlements and tea plantations give rise to new industry opportunities, creative growth, and entrepreneurial horizons, explains Wuu.

Industrialization, the third tenet of his university governance, refers to the pursuit of interdisciplinary development through closer partnerships with local governments, science parks, industrial clusters, civic associations, and regional communities. Highlighting the neighboring science parks in Taichung, Changhua, and Nantou, President Wuu calls on members of different colleges and fields to come together and identify Taiwan’s future strengths and weaknesses, and proactively propose solutions to assist local government agencies in advancing the nation.

What’s more, Wuu is pushing for the creation of a commerce-and-networking platform for pairing Taiwanese companies with their overseas counterparts in Southeast Asia. Through this endeavor, NCNU will also be offering business consultations, technical assistance, product reviews, and marketing insights. His vision is to help overseas compatriots and global business owners with ties to Taiwan “find solutions for the world through NCNU.”

Globalization, the final and interlocking tenet, is rooted in pragmatism. Wuu sees language abilities synonymous with international competitiveness, starting with strengthening the English capabilities of students and the bilingualism of the school through curriculum planning and global recruitment. He recommends networking at international seminars as well, with the aim of forging sister ties and exchange programs with world institutes on a department-to-department level.

Outlining NCNU role as a well-established recruiter of students from Southeast Asia and an official partner of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, the president believes that the university’s advantages in Southeast Asia studies and research can be used to further internationalize the colleges of humanities, education, management, and science and technology through targeted recruitment, tailored programs, and cross-disciplinary exchanges under the government’s flagship New Southbound Policy.

President Wuu’s pragmatism stems from his lifelong engineering research, having been awarded 40 patents by the United States and 105 from Taiwan, 30 of which have already been transferred to companies. As a fellow of the Institute of Physics (FinstP), Australian Institute of Energy (FAIE), and The Institute of Engineering (FIET), he has also published over 260 SCI Journal papers and 4 book chapters, receiving 3,254 citations with an H-index of 29.

After completing his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Kaohsiung’s National Sun Yat-Sen University in 1991, Wuu explored many fields since, including integrated optics and ink-jet print heads at the Industry Technology Research Institute in Taipei, as well as nano and advanced materials with Hong Kong’s Innovation and Technology Commission. His current research interests include wide bandgap semiconductor materials and devices.

Steered by the four tenets of consolidation, localization, industrialization, and internationalization, the new president hopes to devote his next four years to bolstering the modernity, affinity, and beatitude of both NCNU and its surrounding communities and industries. Only then, says Wuu, will his vision of “a refined and inimitable academic institution of global caliber” come to fruition.


Dr. Wuu's Biography

Dong-sing Wuu received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan) in 1985, 1987, and 1991, respectively, all in electrical engineering.

From 1991 to 1995, he was involved in the field of integrated optics and ink-jet print heads at the Industry Technology Research Institute (Taiwan).

In 1995, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, Da-Yeh University (Taiwan), as an Associate Professor.

In 2001, he moved to National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan) as a Tenured Professor with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

He previously served as the Director of Research and Development at the Nano and Advanced Materials Institute, which is funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong SAR Government and industrial sponsors.

From October 2010 to July 2016, he was elected as the 6th and 7th President of Da-Yeh University.

Before taking office as NCNU president, he worked as a distinguished professor with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University.

Dr. Wuu was the recipient of the Research Award (in photonics) in 2009 and the Excellent Technology Transfer Awards in 2006, 2010, and 2011, which are bestowed by the National Science Council of Taiwan.

He received the 2015 Annual National Teacher’s Award from the Ministry of Education (Taiwan) and the 2017 Distinguished Professor Award from the Chinese Institute of Engineers.

Dr. Wuu has published over 260 SCI Journal papers, and 4 book chapters. He has been awarded 40 United States patents and 105 Taiwan patents, 30 of which have been transferred to companies.

He is a fellow with the Institute of Physics (FinstP), Australian Institute of Energy (FAIE), and The Institute of Engineering (FIET). His current research interests include wide bandgap semiconductor materials and devices.

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