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publish date : 2022/10/04

The NCNU Library was founded in July, 1995. The library building was completed at September 20, 1995. The NCNU University Library is more than a cluster of libraries; it connects people with information by providing diverse resources and services to the academic community. The Library is has world-class collection of books, journals, films, maps, databases, and more. Subject Librarians are available for individual consultation, group classes, and special workshops. The Library develops and maintains a broad array of information resources, including article and indexing databases, e-journal subscriptions, and specialized collections crossing subjects, formats, and genres. SUL also provides computing resources, including public computers, digital scanning and editing equipment, support for multi-media projects, geospatial software support, and social science data and software services and support. For further information, please visit http://www.library.ncnu.edu.tw/index.php?lang=en.



To support teaching and research the library is actively updating the library with a collection of resourceful books. Since the beginning of 2002 the school was subsidized by the ministry of education and established research of Ming and Qing, Southeast Asia studies. After 10 years of hard work, the research topic has become one of the main features of the schools collections. Also, since 2006 the library added more value to their collection by creating a database for Taiwanese authors, and a database with a lot of recommended books, SCI/SSCI/AHCI/TSSCI school books database retrieval system.




NCNU library consists of one underground basement and five stories above. The total area of the library is 23,980 square meters. Each floor has different functions, each floor has areas divided into sections. The library offers 15 study rooms, 8 discussion rooms and in terms of reading areas from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor there are 1236 seats including tables. The underground basement study rooms have 412 seats. There are 20 computers to check the library book catalog, 12 computers to search the database. Multimedia rooms with 150 seats, personal audio –visual room with 32 seats and 4 microfilm reader printers. To improve service efficiency the library installed a self-service desk where students can lend/return books by themselves using the RFID system. Students can also reserve books online or post pone the return dates of books. The library provides efficient service.

The library’s main service routine includes: online public access catalog search, book lending services, periodic information services, reference services, electronic resource services, specified reference books, printing facility, useful instructor classes, multimedia services, WIFI, self-study rooms in the underground basement are open 24 hours a week before mid and final semester exams, occasional book exhibitions and film festivals.



2020  Library Hours

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